By default, Superwall handles basic subscription-related logic for you:

  1. Purchasing: When the user initiates a checkout on a paywall.
  2. Restoring: When the user restores previously purchased products.
  3. Subscription Status: When the user’s subscription status changes to active or expired (by checking the local receipt).

However, if you want more control, you can pass in a PurchaseController when configuring the SDK via configure(apiKey:purchaseController:options:) and manually set Superwall.shared.subscriptionStatus to take over this responsibility.

Step 1: Creating a PurchaseController

A PurchaseController handles purchasing and restoring via protocol methods that you implement. You pass in your purchase controller when configuring the SDK:

Here’s what each method is responsible for:

  1. Purchasing a given product. In here, enter your code that you use to purchase a product. Then, return the result of the purchase as a PurchaseResult. For Flutter, this is separated into purchasing from the App Store and Google Play. This is an enum that contains the following cases, all of which must be handled:
    1. .cancelled: The purchase was cancelled.
    2. .purchased: The product was purchased.
    3. .pending: The purchase is pending/deferred and requires action from the developer.
    4. .failed(Error): The purchase failed for a reason other than the user cancelling or the payment pending.
    5. .restored: The purchase was restored. This happens when the user tries to purchase a product that they’ve already purchased, resulting in a transaction whose transactionDate is before the the date you initiated the purchase.
  2. Restoring purchases. Here, you restore purchases and return a boolean indicating whether the restoration was successful or not.

Step 2: Configuring the SDK With Your PurchaseController

Pass your purchase controller to the configure(apiKey:purchaseController:options:) method:

Step 3: Keeping subscriptionStatus Up-To-Date

You must set Superwall.shared.subscriptionStatus every time the user’s subscription status changes, otherwise the SDK won’t know who to show a paywall to. This is an enum that has three possible cases:

  1. .unknown: This is the default value. In this state, paywalls will not show and their presentation will be automatically delayed until subscriptionStatus changes to a different value.
  2. .active: Indicates that the user has an active subscription. Paywalls will not show in this state unless you remotely set the paywall to ignore subscription status.
  3. .inactive: Indicates that the user doesn’t have an active subscription. Paywalls can show in this state.

Here’s how you might do this:

subscriptionStatus is cached between app launches

Listening for subscription status changes

If you need a simple way to observe when a user’s subscription status changes, on iOS you can use the Publisher for it. Here’s an example:

subscribedCancellable = Superwall.shared.$subscriptionStatus
  .receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
  .sink { [weak self] status in
    switch status {
    case .unknown:
      self?.subscriptionLabel.text = "Loading subscription status."
    case .active:
      self?.subscriptionLabel.text = "You currently have an active subscription. Therefore, the paywall will never show. For the purposes of this app, delete and reinstall the app to clear subscriptions."
    case .inactive:
      self?.subscriptionLabel.text = "You do not have an active subscription so the paywall will show when clicking the button."

You can do similar tasks with the SuperwallDelegate, such as viewing which product was purchased from a paywall.