App Store Privacy Labels

Privacy disclosures in regards to how data is processed or otherwise used are required when submitting an app for review on the App Store. When using the Superwall SDK, there are a few options you’ll need to select to comply with this requirement.

At a minimum, you’ll need to select “Purchases”:

When you select “Purchases”, you’ll need to scroll down finish setup. When you do, there are two options you’ll need to select:

  1. Analytics
  2. App Functionality

Identifying Users

How you proceed with the next prompt depends on how you are identifying users. If you are identifying users via their email or any other means, disclose that here. Note that the Superwall SDK does not do this.

Finally, Superwall does not track purchase history of users for advertising purposes — so you can choose “No” here (unless you’re using other SDKs which do this, or you’re performing any purchase history tracking for advertising purposes on your own ):

In terms of the Superwall SDK, that’s all you need to choose. But again, remember that your privacy label could look different depending on how you process data, how other SDKs are used and more.

Collected Data

Here is a detailed list of anything that might be collected in the Superwall SDK:

publicApiKeyThe API key for accessing the public API.
platformThe operating system of the device (e.g., iOS, Android).
appUserIdA unique identifier for the app user.
aliasesList of aliases associated with the app user.
vendorIdThe vendor ID of the device.
appVersionThe version of the app.
osVersionThe operating system version running on the device.
deviceModelThe model of the device (e.g., iPhone or Android device model).
deviceLocaleThe current locale set on the device.
preferredLocaleThe preferred locale of the user.
deviceLanguageCodeThe language code of the device’s system language.
preferredLanguageCodeThe preferred language code set by the user.
regionCodeThe region code set on the device.
preferredRegionCodeThe preferred region code of the user.
deviceCurrencyCodeThe currency code for transactions on the device.
deviceCurrencySymbolThe currency symbol based on the device’s settings.
interfaceTypeThe type of user interface (e.g., vision, ipad, etc).
timezoneOffsetThe device’s current timezone offset in minutes.
radioTypeThe network radio type (e.g., WiFi, Cellular).
interfaceStyleThe interface style (e.g., light or dark mode).
isLowPowerModeEnabledIndicates whether low power mode is enabled.
bundleIdThe bundle identifier of the app.
appInstallDateThe date the app was installed.
isMacA boolean indicating if the device is a Mac.
daysSinceInstallThe number of days since the app was installed.
minutesSinceInstallThe number of minutes since the app was installed.
daysSinceLastPaywallViewThe number of days since the last paywall view.
minutesSinceLastPaywallViewThe number of minutes since the last paywall view.
totalPaywallViewsThe total number of paywall views.
utcDateThe current UTC date.
localDateThe local date of the device.
utcTimeThe current UTC time.
localTimeThe local time on the device.
utcDateTimeThe UTC date and time combined.
localDateTimeThe local date and time combined.
isSandboxIndicates if the app is running in a sandbox environment.
subscriptionStatusThe subscription status of the app user.
isFirstAppOpenBoolean indicating if it is the user’s first app open.
sdkVersionThe current version of the SDK.
sdkVersionPaddedThe padded version of the SDK (e.g. 001.002.003-beta.001).
appBuildStringThe app’s build string identifier.
appBuildStringNumberThe numeric value of the app’s build number.
interfaceStyleModeThe current interface style mode (e.g., dark, light).
ipRegionThe region derived from the device’s IP address.
ipRegionCodeThe region code derived from the device’s IP.
ipCountryThe country derived from the device’s IP address.
ipCityThe city derived from the device’s IP address.
ipContinentThe continent derived from the device’s IP address.
ipTimezoneThe timezone derived from the device’s IP address.
capabilitiesA string indicating any Superwall-SDK specific capabilities.
capabilitiesConfigA JSON configuration of the above capabilities.
platformWrapperThe platform wrapper (e.g., React Native).
platformWrapperVersionThe version of the platform wrapper.