If you’re using Superwall for revenue tracking, but want a hand with making purchases in your implementation, you can use our purchase methods:

// For StoreKit 1
private func purchase(_ product: SKProduct) async throws -> PurchaseResult {
  return await Superwall.shared.purchase(product)

// For StoreKit 2
private func purchase(_ product: StoreKit.Product) async throws -> PurchaseResult {
  return await Superwall.shared.purchase(product)

// Superwall's `StoreProduct`
private func purchase(_ product: StoreProduct) async throws -> PurchaseResult {
  return await Superwall.shared.purchase(product)

For iOS, the purchase() method supports StoreKit 1, 2 and Superwall’s abstraction over a product, StoreProduct. You can fetch the products you’ve added to Superwall via the products(for:) method. Similarly, in Android, you can fetch a product using a product identifier — and the first base plan will be selected:

private func fetchProducts(for identifiers: Set<String>) async -> Set<StoreProduct> {
    return await Superwall.shared.products(for: identifiers)

If you already have your own product fetching code, simply pass the product representation to these methods. For example, in StoreKit 1 — an SKProduct instance, in StoreKit 2, Product, etc. Each purchase() implementation returns a PurchaseResult, which informs you of the transaction’s resolution:

  • .cancelled: The purchase was cancelled.
  • .purchased: The product was purchased.
  • .pending: The purchase is pending/deferred and requires action from the developer.
  • .failed(Error): The purchase failed for a reason other than the user cancelling or the payment pending.