Once you’ve logged into Superwall, you’ll be taken to the Overview page. Here, you can view key metrics and important campaign performance about your app.

You can toggle between your other apps to view with the Overview page too. Just use the toggle at the top left to choose another app.

When you log in for the first time or add a new app, the Overview page will reflect a “Quickstart” wizard to help you get up and running. Complete the interactive checklist to finish your Superwall integration:

The overview dashboard is broken down between four main sections:

  1. Toggles: Switch between new install or all users, and apply different time filters between them.
  2. Key Metrics: Critical data about how your app is performing.
  3. SDK Alerts & News: Alerts about new SDK versions available and company news.
  4. Campaigns: Breakdowns of your active campaigns.

New installs versus all users

Using the toggles at the top, you can switch between viewing data about New Installs or All Users, along with changing date ranges between either of them:

Here’s the difference between New Installs and All Users:

  • New Installs: Represents users who installed your app within the selected time frame.
  • All Users: Represents any user of your app, including returning and new users.

Changing dates

Use the toggles at the top to change date ranges:

All of the key metrics and campaign data will be updated based on the range you select. If you need fine-grain control, choose Custom and choose any date range you like.

Key metrics

View insightful metrics at the top of the overview page:

Here’s what they mean, from left-to-right:

Each metric is representative of the data you’ve selected from the toggles above them.
UsersThe number of unique users who opened your app.
Paywall OpensHow many paywall presentations occurred.
ConversionsA total number of Conversions resulting from a presented paywall.
Paywalls Per UserThe percentage of paywalls shown per user. Remember, each user may see more than one paywall per session.
PaywalledThe percentage of how many users were shown a paywall in total.
ConvertedThe percentage of users who converted (trial or paid).

Use these metrics as a way to quickly get a sense of how your app is performing from a monetization standpoint.

Click on any metric to view a chart breakdown with more details about it.


The active campaigns section gives you a quick overview of how your selected app’s campaigns are performing:

For each campaign, Superwall will show:

  • The placements in-use by the campaign.
  • How many opens those placements resulted in. Put differently, how many paywall presentations have occurred for the campaign.
  • How many conversions the campaign has produced.
  • The conversion rate the campaign currently holds.

Like the metrics section, all the data here is representative of the users or new installs and time frame you’ve chosen from the toggles at the top of the Overview page.

Click on any campaign to dig deeper into them. If you would like to view all campaigns (active or paused), click All Campaigns at the top-right. Learn more about campaign here.