Once you open a campaign, you can edit its details, placements, control experiments, view results, manage paywalls and more. The campaign detail screen is divided into three separate sections:


Under the placements section, you can add, pause or delete existing placements. Placements are actions, or implicit events, which you can use to show a paywall or implement feature gating. Be liberal with adding placements, you can always pause them on-the-fly without app updates. Or, if you later decide to paywall a particular feature, it gives you more flexibility if you already have a placement for that particular action.

Learn more about placements here.


Audiences allow you to setup simple or complex filtering rules to match against certain users, show a particular paywall to them, view results of experiments and recent transactions resulting from them. All of your current audiences will show in the left-hand side of the campaign details screen.

Learn more about audiences here.


Audiences are also where you setup paywall experiments, and view their performance. Experiments allow you to show one or more paywalls, and see which one is “winning”.

Learn more about experiments here.

Renaming campaigns

To rename a campaign, click on the pencil icon next to the campaign’s name, located in the top-left hand side of the campaign details screen: