Standard placements are events that Superwall automatically manages. The following Superwall Events are registered by the SDK and can be added as placements in campaigns to present paywalls:

  • app_install
  • app_launch
  • deepLink_open
  • session_start
  • paywall_decline
  • transaction_fail
  • transaction_abandon
  • survey_response
  • touches_began

Visit Superwall Events to see a full list of parameters that you can use with these events. Here are a few examples of how they might be used:

Using the paywall_decline event

This is registered when a user manually dismisses any paywall. You can combine this with rules to show a paywall when a user closes a specific paywall. First, add the standard placement to a campaign:

Then, create a filter in the audience using it:

Here, when a user closes the paywall named PaywallA, a new paywall will show.

Note that you can’t reference parameters that you’ve passed in to your original register call in your rules for paywall_decline.

Using the survey_response event

This is registered when a response to a paywall survey has been recorded. First, you need to make sure your paywall has a survey attached.

You can combine this with rules to show a paywall whenever a survey response is recorded or when the user gives a specific response. Again, add the standard placement survey_response to a campaign. Then, add another condition using survey_selected_option_title that’s equal to the text of a particular response.

For example, if the user selected a survey option named Too Expensive, you could present another paywall with a discounted option. This is a great opportunity to show a discounted paywall to improve your conversion rate.

This is registered when a user opens the app via a deep link. First, you need to make sure to tell Superwall when a deep link has been opened.

You can use the URL parameters of the deep link within your rules. Just add the standard placement deepLink_open to a campaign. Then, you could setup a filter that fires based off of its parameters along with a params.path rule to see if its a certain path you’ve setup.

For example, you could make three conditions to match this deep link: myapp://paywall?offer=July20. Here’s how:

  1. Add the a rule to see if the event is deepLink_open. See the first example above using paywall_decline to see how to do this.
  2. Add params.offer is equal to whatever you’ve made, like July20 for a timeboxed offer you made in that month.
  3. Then, you’d also add params.path is equal to the text of a path you setup, like paywall.