In the Refund Protection section under Settings, you can configure settings to better equip Apple to handle refund requests from your iOS app. This could result in fewer refunds being issued based on the context you provide Apple:

Before you configure this, make sure you have revenue tracking set up.

Refund protection options

When you opt into refund protection, there are four different options to choose from:

  1. Do not handle (default): The default option, which means Apple will handle refunds as they see fit.
  2. Ask Apple to grant all refunds: This option will inform Apple to grant all refunds, regardless of the context you provide.
  3. Ask Apple to decline all refunds: This option will inform Apple that you wish to default to declining refunds. For example, if you have an app that has a credits-based system and a user requests a refund, you may want to try and decline that refund if the services were provided.
  4. Submit data and let Apple decide: This option will inform Apple that you wish to submit data to them for each refund request. This data could be used to help Apple make a more informed decision on whether to grant or decline the refund.

In-app purchase Configuration

You’ll need to have in-app purchases configured with Superwall to use refund protection. For more information on setup, check this doc out.