In the Keys section under Settings, you can easily view or copy your API key, view session starts by the last seven days, and app version sessions from the last seven days.


You’ll use your API key to initialize the Superwall client in your apps. Each one is prepended with pk_ and then the identifier. To easily copy it, click the Copy icon on the right-hand side:

Session starts by SDK version

Use the session starts by SDK chart to see how many sessions are being started, split out by the SDK version of Superwall.

This helps debug any potential issues that may occur by comparing sessions against the version of our SDK users are on. Of course, if your issue appears to be related to Superwall’s SDK — always feel free to reach out so we can investigate.

App version

Similarly, the app version chart helps you narrow down issues by showing sessions split out by app versions. If the use of our SDK didn’t change, but your app version did, and an issue is occurring — then it may related to your app specific logic.