Paywalled users are users that have been presented a paywall from the selected audience. To see recent matches from your audience filter and its resulting transactions, click on the Users tab above the campaign details:

You’ll find two main sections:

  1. Recent Matches: Here, you’ll see every user which matched your audience filter.
  2. Transactions: Next, this displays any resulting transaction which occurred within the audience.

Note that both Recent Matches and Transactions show the placement which triggered the match or transaction. This is incredibly useful in helping you gauge which actions are resulting in conversions.

Recent matches

Recent Matches show you each user, their locale, and the placement which matched them to your selected audience (among other data) from the last 24 hours:

You can click on any user to see more details about them, including the history of the actions they took. You can also filter events by Superwall-managed events, your own app events and more:

For more on viewing users, check out this doc.


The transactions shows all transactions which came from the campaign in the last 24 hours:

You can click on any user here, too, to see more details about them. Again, take note of the placements here — because they were directly linked to a conversion.