Anonymous Users

Superwall automatically generates a random user ID that persists internally until the user deletes/reinstalls your app.

You can call Superwall.shared.reset() to reset this ID and clear any paywall assignments.

Identified Users

If you use your own user management system, call identify(userId:options:) when you have a user’s identity. This will alias your userId with the anonymous Superwall ID enabling us to load the user’s assigned paywalls.

Calling Superwall.shared.reset() will reset the on-device userId to a random ID and clear the paywall assignments.

Note that for Android apps, if you want the userId passed to the Play Store when making purchases, you’ll also need to set passIdentifiersToPlayStore via SuperwallOptions. Be aware of Google’s rules that the userId must not contain any personally identifiable information, otherwise the purchase could be rejected.

// After retrieving a user's ID, e.g. from logging in or creating an account

// When the user signs out

Advanced Use Case

You can supply an IdentityOptions object, whose property restorePaywallAssignments you can set to true. This tells the SDK to wait to restore paywall assignments from the server before presenting any paywalls. This should only be used in advanced use cases. If you expect users of your app to switch accounts or delete/reinstall a lot, you’d set this when users log in to an existing account.

Best Practices for a Unique User ID

  • Do NOT make your User IDs guessable – they are public facing.
  • Do NOT set emails as User IDs – this isn’t GDPR compliant.
  • Do NOT set IDFA or DeviceIds as User IDs – these are device specific / easily rotated by the operating system.
  • Do NOT hardcode strings as User IDs – this will cause every user to be treated as the same user by Superwall.

Identifying users from App Store server events

On iOS, Superwall will set the value from identify(userId:options:) as the applicationUsername on SKPayment, which later comes back as the appAccountToken in the notification to your server. Note that your application ID must be in a UUID format.